Monday, September 30, 2019

Should Medicaid and HMOs Be Allowed to Join Forces

First of all what is the definition of cost efficiency and quality or improvement quality? This is mainly looked at the cost per unit of output, when it comes to health care then one must measure the cost, I believe that to have an efficient Medicaid program we must have one that has better outcome for a given level of spending, it must be assessed by comparing spending and also the outcome of Medicaid programs. Hmos has the most restrictive form of health insuarance, whereby they restrict their subscribers choices to doctors and hospital in their networks,I think if the hmos join forces it would help if at first they are given choices of at least two or three hmos to choose from ,in return this should help Medicaid /medicare patient s have a choice of choosing their provider. Alot of states have contractwithprivate insurers to enroll medicaind recipients in managed care plans, this is to help reduce the expenses and also trying to the coordination care. From different website I found out that Medicaid hmo provide solidhealthcoverage, some have motivated Medicaid plans,which in return improve the care,butin reality majority ofmedicaid HMOs do not report comprehensive performance results that tends to be campaired accress the country in return this leaves the tax payers with a lack of objectives. I think what the plans need to do is to start planning and also reporting thoroughly so as to pay a the consummers and taxpayers better. I still believe that the physicians are participating less and less when it comes to mandatory HMO program for Medicaid beneficiaries, As we know traditional medicare HMO are very similar to the medicare managed care that exsisted before..

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Poetry Analysis

English 1302, Composition II Poetry Analysis Assignment: Choose ONE of the prompts below; then write a 3-4 page poetry analysis in which you analyze the use of literary elements in one of the assigned poems listed: â€Å"America† (Claude McKay); â€Å"We Wear the Mask† (Paul Laurence Dunbar); â€Å"Harlem (A Dream Deferred)† (Langston Hughes); â€Å"Mirror† (Sylvia Plath); â€Å"The Bean Eaters† (Gwendolyn Brooks); â€Å"To The Mercy Killers† (Dudley Randall); â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night† (Dylan Thomas).Your purpose is to explicate (interpret) and analyze (examine) one poem, defending your interpretive claim (a clear, concise, debatable, and assertive thesis statement that explains what the poems mean and how literary elements (i. e. speaker, figurative language (metaphor, simile, synechdoche, metonymy, personification, hyperbole, oxymoron, paradox), imagery, sound patterns, format, theme, persona, tone, symbolism, conn otation, or denotation) are employed to convey the poem’s message.Your primary support must come from the poem itself; however, you will be required to incorporate at least two secondary sources into your work. You must use literary present verb tense in reference to the poem and sources; however, you may not use first-person (I, me, we, our, us), second-person (you) references, or contractions (isn’t( is not). Neither off topic nor late essays will be accepted; also, plagiarized essays automatically receive a zero, and they may not be made up. In this paper you will adhere to the following: Make and support a claim regarding some issue in an assigned poem. †¢ Have a clearly-stated thesis that includes literary elements and gives the basic overview of your argument. †¢ Use quotes from the poem to support your major points. Also, use literary criticism from relevant and reliable sources to support your major points. †¢ Make interpretive arguments about th e language, tone, imagery, and figures of speech in the poetry, all toward proving your thesis. †¢ Put slashes between words to indicate a line break when quoting less than four lines: â€Å"We wear the mask that grins nd lies, / It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes,–† †¢ (Anything more than four lines should be put into block format, indenting 10 spaces and double spacing the text) The opening stanza of Louise Bogan’s â€Å"Women† startles readers by presenting a negative stereotype of women: Women have no wilderness in them, They are provident instead, Content in the tight hot cell of their hearts To eat dusty bread. (1-4) †¢ Provide parenthetical citations that indicate line numbers for any quoted text. In the first reference, use the word â€Å"lines. † Thereafter, use just numbers.For example, the above lines would be followed by this notation: (lines 1-2). †¢ Avoid writing merely a summary of the poem. Length: 3-4 pages (3-full page minimum); Works Cited page (MLA format) Format: MLA format: 1-inch margins, Times New Roman font, point-size 12; typed, double-spaced, printed; stapled; header and pagination Sources: 3 sources minimum (1-primary sources (the poem in the textbook); 2-secondary sources (scholarly literary criticism from books, journals, magazines, and newspapers)) Resources: TJC Library Databases (http://www. jc. edu/library/find_articles/); Purdue OWL (http://owl. english. purdue. edu/owl/resource/747/01/); Writing Center (Jenkins 1108); Literature and the Writing Process, pp. 98-106. Due Dates: Outline: ________________________ Peer Edit, Rough Draft (completed, typed, and printed): ________________________ Final Draft: Outline, Peer-edited Rough draft, Final draft: _______________________Evaluation: Topic Selection/Appropriateness; Guidelines: Minimum length; MLA style (manuscript); Clear, assertive, and analytical thesis statement; Effective organization (structure), analyzing liter ary elements; Effective paragraph structure (topic sentences, unity, coherence, development); smooth and proper MLA integration (lead-in statement, concrete detail, commentary/analysis), citation (parenthetical citations), and documentation Works Cited); Good, varied sentence structure (few or no comma splices, fragments, and fused sentences; few or no errors in subject-verb agreement, pronoun-antecedent agreement, and verb tense consistency); Good word choice; Proper grammar and punctuation. Writing Prompts: 1. Examine and defend a claim about social protest poetry. Analyze theme in one or more of these poems: Claude McKay’s feelings in â€Å"America† about living in a racist country; analyze those expressed by Paul Laurence Dunbar in â€Å"We Wear the Mask†; or analyze those expressed by Langston Hughes in â€Å"Harlem (A Dream Deferred). 2. Examine and defend a claim about imagery OR symbolism in one or more of the following poems: Claude McKay’s â₠¬Å"America,† Paul Laurence Dunbar’s â€Å"We Wear the Mask,† Gwendolyn Brook’s â€Å"The Bean Eaters,† or Sylvia Plath’s â€Å"Mirror. † 3. Examine themes about identity (self, cultural, gender, professional, community/social, national), masks, and/or deception in one of these poems: Paul Laurence Dunbar’s â€Å"We Wear the Mask,† Sylvia Plath’s â€Å"Mirror,† or Claude McKay’s â€Å"America. † 4.Examine the use of irony (verbal, situational, dramatic) OR motivation (extrinsic, intrinsic) in one or more of these poems: Paul Laurence Dunbar’s â€Å"We Wear the Mask,† Langston Hughes’s â€Å"Harlem (A Dream Deferred), Dudley Randall’s â€Å"To The Mercy Killers,† Claude McKay’s â€Å"America,† Gwendolyn Brook’s â€Å"The Bean Eaters,† or Dylan Thomas’s â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night. † 5. Examine theme, spe cifically the attitude toward death expressed in one or two of these poems: Dudley Randall’s â€Å"To The Mercy Killers† or Dylan Thomas’s â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night. 6. Examine conflict (internal and external) in one or more of these poems: Claude McKay’s â€Å"America,† Paul Laurence Dunbar’s â€Å"We Wear the Mask,† Gwendolyn Brook’s â€Å"The Bean Eaters,† Dudley Randall’s â€Å"To the Mercy Killers,† Dylan Thomas’s â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night. † 7. Examine persona or speaker in one or more of these poems: Claude McKay’s â€Å"America,† Paul Laurence Dunbar’s â€Å"We Wear the Mask,† Sylvia Plath’s â€Å"Mirror,† Dudley Randall’s â€Å"To the Mercy Killers,† Dylan Thomas’s â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night. 8. Examine some aspect of figurative language (simile, metaphor, personificat ion, hyperbole, synecdoche, metonymy) in one or more of these poems: McKay’s â€Å"America,† Plath’s â€Å"Mirror,† Brook’s â€Å"The Bean Eaters,† Hughe’s â€Å"Harlem (A Dream Deferred). † Scratch Outline: Poetry Analysis I. Introduction A. Attention-Getter (Hook) B. Background Information (T-A-G) C. Thesis Statement: The â€Å"Poem† relies on figurative language, imagery, and tone to convey this theme. Thesis should be clear, concise, assertive, and arguable) II. Body Paragraphs A. Poem Synopsis (Summary) 1. Point 1 2. Point 2 B. Poem’s Theme 1. Identity a. concrete detail b. concrete detail 2. Denial/Deception a. concrete detail b. concrete detail B. Poem’s Explication (Explanation): Figurative Language 1. Metaphor 2. Personification C. Poem’s Explication: Imagery 1. Visual 2. Tactile D. Poem’s Explication: Tone 1. Reflective 2. Resigned III. Conclusion IV. Works Cited Poetry Analysis English 1302, Composition II Poetry Analysis Assignment: Choose ONE of the prompts below; then write a 3-4 page poetry analysis in which you analyze the use of literary elements in one of the assigned poems listed: â€Å"America† (Claude McKay); â€Å"We Wear the Mask† (Paul Laurence Dunbar); â€Å"Harlem (A Dream Deferred)† (Langston Hughes); â€Å"Mirror† (Sylvia Plath); â€Å"The Bean Eaters† (Gwendolyn Brooks); â€Å"To The Mercy Killers† (Dudley Randall); â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night† (Dylan Thomas).Your purpose is to explicate (interpret) and analyze (examine) one poem, defending your interpretive claim (a clear, concise, debatable, and assertive thesis statement that explains what the poems mean and how literary elements (i. e. speaker, figurative language (metaphor, simile, synechdoche, metonymy, personification, hyperbole, oxymoron, paradox), imagery, sound patterns, format, theme, persona, tone, symbolism, conn otation, or denotation) are employed to convey the poem’s message.Your primary support must come from the poem itself; however, you will be required to incorporate at least two secondary sources into your work. You must use literary present verb tense in reference to the poem and sources; however, you may not use first-person (I, me, we, our, us), second-person (you) references, or contractions (isn’t( is not). Neither off topic nor late essays will be accepted; also, plagiarized essays automatically receive a zero, and they may not be made up. In this paper you will adhere to the following: Make and support a claim regarding some issue in an assigned poem. †¢ Have a clearly-stated thesis that includes literary elements and gives the basic overview of your argument. †¢ Use quotes from the poem to support your major points. Also, use literary criticism from relevant and reliable sources to support your major points. †¢ Make interpretive arguments about th e language, tone, imagery, and figures of speech in the poetry, all toward proving your thesis. †¢ Put slashes between words to indicate a line break when quoting less than four lines: â€Å"We wear the mask that grins nd lies, / It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes,–† †¢ (Anything more than four lines should be put into block format, indenting 10 spaces and double spacing the text) The opening stanza of Louise Bogan’s â€Å"Women† startles readers by presenting a negative stereotype of women: Women have no wilderness in them, They are provident instead, Content in the tight hot cell of their hearts To eat dusty bread. (1-4) †¢ Provide parenthetical citations that indicate line numbers for any quoted text. In the first reference, use the word â€Å"lines. † Thereafter, use just numbers.For example, the above lines would be followed by this notation: (lines 1-2). †¢ Avoid writing merely a summary of the poem. Length: 3-4 pages (3-full page minimum); Works Cited page (MLA format) Format: MLA format: 1-inch margins, Times New Roman font, point-size 12; typed, double-spaced, printed; stapled; header and pagination Sources: 3 sources minimum (1-primary sources (the poem in the textbook); 2-secondary sources (scholarly literary criticism from books, journals, magazines, and newspapers)) Resources: TJC Library Databases (http://www. jc. edu/library/find_articles/); Purdue OWL (http://owl. english. purdue. edu/owl/resource/747/01/); Writing Center (Jenkins 1108); Literature and the Writing Process, pp. 98-106. Due Dates: Outline: ________________________ Peer Edit, Rough Draft (completed, typed, and printed): ________________________ Final Draft: Outline, Peer-edited Rough draft, Final draft: _______________________Evaluation: Topic Selection/Appropriateness; Guidelines: Minimum length; MLA style (manuscript); Clear, assertive, and analytical thesis statement; Effective organization (structure), analyzing liter ary elements; Effective paragraph structure (topic sentences, unity, coherence, development); smooth and proper MLA integration (lead-in statement, concrete detail, commentary/analysis), citation (parenthetical citations), and documentation Works Cited); Good, varied sentence structure (few or no comma splices, fragments, and fused sentences; few or no errors in subject-verb agreement, pronoun-antecedent agreement, and verb tense consistency); Good word choice; Proper grammar and punctuation. Writing Prompts: 1. Examine and defend a claim about social protest poetry. Analyze theme in one or more of these poems: Claude McKay’s feelings in â€Å"America† about living in a racist country; analyze those expressed by Paul Laurence Dunbar in â€Å"We Wear the Mask†; or analyze those expressed by Langston Hughes in â€Å"Harlem (A Dream Deferred). 2. Examine and defend a claim about imagery OR symbolism in one or more of the following poems: Claude McKay’s â₠¬Å"America,† Paul Laurence Dunbar’s â€Å"We Wear the Mask,† Gwendolyn Brook’s â€Å"The Bean Eaters,† or Sylvia Plath’s â€Å"Mirror. † 3. Examine themes about identity (self, cultural, gender, professional, community/social, national), masks, and/or deception in one of these poems: Paul Laurence Dunbar’s â€Å"We Wear the Mask,† Sylvia Plath’s â€Å"Mirror,† or Claude McKay’s â€Å"America. † 4.Examine the use of irony (verbal, situational, dramatic) OR motivation (extrinsic, intrinsic) in one or more of these poems: Paul Laurence Dunbar’s â€Å"We Wear the Mask,† Langston Hughes’s â€Å"Harlem (A Dream Deferred), Dudley Randall’s â€Å"To The Mercy Killers,† Claude McKay’s â€Å"America,† Gwendolyn Brook’s â€Å"The Bean Eaters,† or Dylan Thomas’s â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night. † 5. Examine theme, spe cifically the attitude toward death expressed in one or two of these poems: Dudley Randall’s â€Å"To The Mercy Killers† or Dylan Thomas’s â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night. 6. Examine conflict (internal and external) in one or more of these poems: Claude McKay’s â€Å"America,† Paul Laurence Dunbar’s â€Å"We Wear the Mask,† Gwendolyn Brook’s â€Å"The Bean Eaters,† Dudley Randall’s â€Å"To the Mercy Killers,† Dylan Thomas’s â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night. † 7. Examine persona or speaker in one or more of these poems: Claude McKay’s â€Å"America,† Paul Laurence Dunbar’s â€Å"We Wear the Mask,† Sylvia Plath’s â€Å"Mirror,† Dudley Randall’s â€Å"To the Mercy Killers,† Dylan Thomas’s â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night. 8. Examine some aspect of figurative language (simile, metaphor, personificat ion, hyperbole, synecdoche, metonymy) in one or more of these poems: McKay’s â€Å"America,† Plath’s â€Å"Mirror,† Brook’s â€Å"The Bean Eaters,† Hughe’s â€Å"Harlem (A Dream Deferred). † Scratch Outline: Poetry Analysis I. Introduction A. Attention-Getter (Hook) B. Background Information (T-A-G) C. Thesis Statement: The â€Å"Poem† relies on figurative language, imagery, and tone to convey this theme. Thesis should be clear, concise, assertive, and arguable) II. Body Paragraphs A. Poem Synopsis (Summary) 1. Point 1 2. Point 2 B. Poem’s Theme 1. Identity a. concrete detail b. concrete detail 2. Denial/Deception a. concrete detail b. concrete detail B. Poem’s Explication (Explanation): Figurative Language 1. Metaphor 2. Personification C. Poem’s Explication: Imagery 1. Visual 2. Tactile D. Poem’s Explication: Tone 1. Reflective 2. Resigned III. Conclusion IV. Works Cited

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Peter Kolchin’s “American Slavery: Origins and Consolidation” Essay

Peter Kolchin’s book entitled, â€Å"American Slavery: Origins and Consolidation† discusses the problems and the evolution of slavery in the United States of America. The opening sentence of his first chapter is indeed quite interesting. According to him, Americans have this wrong perception that the U.S. is â€Å"conceived with liberty† because the reality is that, the so-called â€Å"New world† tolerates slavery. Kolchin believes that African slaves, more importantly, should not be treated by the Americans as inferior individuals but rather be grateful to them. One of the greatest sources of income actually came from the continuous importation of African slaves to the U.S. Because of the increasing number of slaves in the country during the early 16th-17th century, coercion in their labor actually provided for the country’s foundation of agriculture. He further believes that, slavery became widely accepted in the U.S. because of two factors namely, religious and economic. The concept of slavery as a labor system in the U.S. was patterned after the imperialistic attempts of European countries. The emergence of this kind of system is brought by the shortage in workers, especially in the agricultural aspects. A big number of workers are needed by the rich landowners during the harvest season in order for them to meet the existing demands of the market. Because of this, Africans were being imported to become farm workers. The more laborers that they have, the greater is the production, and therefore the greater is the possibility of an economic growth since there has been demands made in both international and local market, which is very apparent today in the U.S. (Kolchin, p.5) The second factor deals with religion. Since slaves are considered as subordinates to their masters, everything that the master will tell them, the slave will follow, including their master’s religion (which is mostly Christianity as Kolchim discussed). Unlike their masters who have religious backgrounds in the form of doctrines and teachings, the slaves do not have. Because of this, the slaves settled in potion-makings, superstitious beliefs, and the like. However, by being introduced to Christianity, they became more civilized and at least, knowledgeable because they already follow â€Å"legal rituals.† Surprisingly, the Christian bible tolerates the presentation of stories depicting slavery. For instance, the bible suggests that God blessed and protected the Christians while the non-Christians were punished and viewed as slaves, serving their Christian masters in building religious temples or religious images. In general, slavery in the United States of America has evolved throughout the years. In fact, two historical periods sought to explain this evolution. One is the colonial era wherein slaves were still powerless and submissive individuals, and the other is during the period of antebellum. During this period, there were calls and proposals to the slave-owners to treat their subordinates as humans, providing them with their basic needs (Kolchin, p. 28) I do agree that Kolchin has a basis in saying that economy and religion are the factors why slavery was accepted in U.S. because his arguments are very apparent. If we are to trace back history, the rich American landowners, there are a number of them who became the country’s chief executives, hired African slaves to attend to their agricultural business. In fact, he was quoted in his book saying â€Å"[slavery] helped propel the economic transformation of the leading colonial powers.† (Kolchin, p.5) Meanwhile, in terms of religion, many of the country’s leaders are Christians. As such, they follow the bible. A passage from the Book of Genesis 9:25 which states that, â€Å"Cursed be Canaan; a slave of slaves shall he be to his brothers,† Christian believers are quick to say that this passage is the cornerstone of the belief that God made the blacks suffer from slavery (Kolchin, p.145). The most important new information that I discovered about America’s history is the irony of former President Thomas Jefferson. While he announced that â€Å"all men are created equal† during his declaration of Independence, he was a large-scale slave owner himself. Apart from that, his all men are created equal contradicts his racist remark when he said that black’s â€Å"depravity† is caused by their slave status, and more offensively, the distinct nature of their innate characteristic (Kolchin, p.88). The reason why I considered it also as an important learning for me is because the African slaves suffered too much pain, physically and emotionally, under the Americans’ hands. Even former Presidents have their own share of taking advantage of these â€Å"blacks† despite their call of equality. African slavery will always be a part of American history. As such, this article further strengthens Kolchin’s arguments that slavery was caused by both economic and religious factors. The Americans, thinking that they are superior individuals, took advantage of the Africans. They used their power in order to force these Africans to work doubly hard and in case the slave masters were not satisfied, they will maltreat them. Meanwhile, the Americans use their influence in religion to further manipulate not only the actions of the slaves but more importantly, their way of thinking also. However, despite the influence of the Americans, it is not still safe to conclude that African slaves were â€Å"Americanized.† In fact, even if Americans do influence their thinking, they are still â€Å"Africans† themselves. It’s just that, Africans were exposed to two different cultures. Reference: Kolchin,P. Unfree Labor: American Slavery and Russian Serfdom. Harvard University Press, April 1987.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Database Management. MSSQL Server Database Essay

Database Management. MSSQL Server Database - Essay Example In this case the university requirements deal with a variety of services which requires their data to be stored in a database so that it can be successfully fetched and modified for performing a variety of functions. The database technology that can be offered for an online educational institution would be a server based database system for payment of student fees and other details, student registration, facilitating admission procedure, producing reports and others (, 2008). The MSSQL server database would most suitable for mapping the various requirements of the university. It is recognized to map the organizational requirements and used widely. It is able to take care of scalability of the university operations and service, meaning that it takes care of the various additions of new courses, new students and various other programs, modifications relating to the various rules and obligations. Improves visibility of operations for student registration and admission facilities. Stores appropriate records for further fetching of reports of student activity and staff activity. Quite easy to extend the schema for enlarging the database. This database variant serves a set of standards that is required to launch ecommerce database requirements. The features of the database are as follows: Efficient buffer management to cache pages in memory so that more amounts the pages are cached the better the system operates. The transaction management is quite efficient in the manner that if a transaction is not able to complete it is roll backed so that changes can be reversed. In that manner data integrity is maintained. The concurrency control is quite effective and it ensures data integrity. It facilitates replication which ensures that proper synchronization is done for the information in the databases. It also facilities merge and snapshot replication. The OLAP provides analysis services for the data objects. The reporting services and notification services serve as a great function to the database functionality. It offers a great GUI for dragging and dropping the elements in the database arena which had made it quite high in usability for greater acceptance and usage. It also offers greater facility for supporting various front end platforms for wide usage and business applicability. Conclusion Taking into account the above factors, MSSQL server stands out in the crowd for all the features which makes it quite flexible, scalable and cross-functional. The above features make sure that all the university would be able to accommodate all features required to make it a virtual campus and provide effective and efficient

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Beggar Thy Neighbour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Beggar Thy Neighbour - Essay Example After the American independence, several merchants made themselves incredibly wealthy from securities trading. People such as William Duer were able to make a lot of money from the stock market and their influence, fame, and resumes grew exponentially. Similarly, Robert Morris made himself exceptionally wealthy by trading securities on leverage from loans. Like Duer, his influence sparked many people to venture into the securities and commodities market. At the time, there were no laws governing securities trading and thus market panics were inevitable. By this point, the government had already understood that its role was to regulate this trade. In the absence of government regulations, the public was unprotected from the possibilities of fraud and loss of their money, which prompted the government to bring out new laws. Lenders were increasingly giving money to speculators and this led to the need for the government to control bank lending as well. Through regulating lending and in vestment, it is evident that government control was protecting the public. However, by governing the interest rates, the government and merchants did not come to agreeable terms, as most of the initial policies were ineffective. Some changes were implemented and this has continued to date making our financial system the current jargon it is today. Q 2: What led to the development of the American Bankruptcy Law?Many influential people participated towards the improvement of the financial industry.

Discovering Art, Design and Cultural Movement Essay

Discovering Art, Design and Cultural Movement - Essay Example Through intensified interaction especially with the advanced telecommunication, technologies in the contemporary society the world became a global village in which people freely share cultural values. The manifestation of a culture is in its art, arts represent the society as the people observe their actions and relations and capture such in such works of arts as music, paintings and sculptures among others. Cultural movement on the other hand refers to the distinctive change in the way in which the different disciplines in the society approached their work. With time, the human societies developed thus adopted newer mindsets. With every progressive development, the cultures of the societies changed thus compelling great changes in the manner in which the people approached their works and formulated their relations. Among the great tenets of the cultural movements were arts. Throughout the history of humans, art has often exhibited great intellectual prowess among the people. In such different times, leading artists used distinct technologies to influence the development of the art thus portraying the society more evidently to their diverse audiences. The development of art and its manifestation in the representation of the society was always a representation of the developments in the society. ... The period was marked with great religious influence of the early Christian society. The church wanted to use art as a means to increase its spread and influence. To achieve such, the Roman Catholic employed the great minds in arts such as Michelangelo and used their minds to influence the consumption of products of arts by the common public. During this definitive period, arts targeted the common public and the artists provided as much information about their work as possible. Unlike in the renaissance period in which artists such as Leonardo concealed their messages in artistic sophistication, the baroque period was characterized with detail and provision of as much information about the artifact as possible. Michelangelo as the epitome of arts at the time sought to gain more relevance with the masses. His choice of models was specific, as urbanization had just began in the early Roman society. He used street models such as prostitutes who posed for him in his paintings. One of his greatest paintings for the Roman Catholic was the death of Marry, which just as most of his works he uses the locals as models and employs the commonly available features of the population to influence the population’s understanding of the church and its teachings. In the painting, Marry, Jesus’ mother is a depiction of a local prostitute in the street who models to him. The woman is dressed in normal clothes used by the poor who lived in the neighborhood and targeted by the church in their campaign in an attempt to regain the confidence and sympathy of the people. The tactic worked as the church received more sympathy from the populace. While the Roman Catholic achieved their primary

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Management and leadership styles and issues including the effect these Essay

Management and leadership styles and issues including the effect these have on staff within clinical areas - Essay Example It leads group hard work towards accomplishment of pre-determined goals. By describing objectives of organization visibly, there would be no waste of time, effort and money. Management alters disorganized resources of human factor, machinery, money etc. into valuable enterprise. These resources are synchronized, focused and organized in such a manner that initiative work towards accomplishment of goals. Moreover, it inspires the optimal application of resources - Management employs all the physical & human resources effectively. This leads to effectiveness in management. Management allows us to achieve maximum utilization of limited resources by choosing its finest possible alternate use in business from out of a range of uses. It employs professionals and these services result in the proper use of their abilities, knowledge, and proper utilization and evade wastage. If employees and machines are manufacturing at their maximum, there will be no under employment of any resources. Mana gement also diminishes costs as it gets maximum results through minimum input by proper planning and by using minimum input and getting maximum output. Management uses physical, financial and human resources in a manner that leads to the best combination. This aids in the reduction of costs. In addition to that, management creates rigorous organizations as there is no overlying of energies through well-defined and synchronised roles. To establish a sound organizational arrangement is one of the objectives of management which is in sync with the organizational objectives and for execution of this, it launches effective authority & responsibility. Effective management creates equilibrium as it allows the organization to endure varying environment. It stays in collaboration with this changing environment. It is also accountable for growth as well as the survival of a business (Hesketh & Laidlaw, 2010). As far as leadership is concerned, it can be categorised as one of the most signific ant function of management which supports to maximize efficiency and attain organizational objectives. Leadership is basically influencing the thoughts, emotions and behaviours of people. Without leadership arguments and conflicts break out. Leadership plays a crucial role in maintaining unity. However it is necessary for leaders to be visionary. Leadership is very necessary in an administering the organization. According to Steve Jobs, ‘We can’t make everybody happy. It’s beyond our capability. But we can give them the opportunity to be happy.’ Leadership is vital within an organization for the staff in a variety of ways. Firstly, leadership helps in initiating action. A leader is an entity who initiates the work by sharing the plans and policies to the juniors from where the effort actually begins (Kotter & Cohen, 2002). Motivation is also an advantage as a leader validates to be playing an incentive part in the workings of the organization. They inspire the employees with economic as well as non-economic recompenses and thereby prosper in getting the work done from the subordinates. A leader has to not only accomplish and manage but also play a managerial role for the juniors. Guidance here means training the subordinates the way they have to achieve their

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Tattoos and Body Piercing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Tattoos and Body Piercing - Research Paper Example It might also be acquired to represent the rebellion against the status quo or those in authority for instance teenagers worldwide get tattoos and body piercings to express their disobedience to their parents who are rarely fond of these activities. The modern day tattooing is made a lot easier, thanks to scientific development and new laser technologies. One of the forms of body art, which has descended down from ancient times and successfully transited in the cultures of modern times, is henna art. Made of natural herbs, it is used to decorate hands and feet of women in eastern cultures on their weddings and other occasions marking rites of passage. However, most people, more significantly in the west, have proceeded to tattoo culture to show their rebellion to status quo and express their opinions with more freedom and aggression (Sawyer, 97). However, as easy as it is recent times to get a piercing or tattoo, the hazards it causes to health cannot be over emphasized. First, it be ing a permanent body art, removing a tattoo may be difficult and very expensive since it involves the use of high-tech instruments. Second, the tattoos are highly prone to infections and skin allergies. The red dye used in tattoos usually causes rashes, sometimes years after getting a tattoo. The infections caused by tattoos are mainly bacterial and appear as sores and pus-like forms. Often, granulomas, a bump-like structure, form around the tattoo due to the ink dye used. In addition, and most dangerously of all, tattoos makes the immune system more prone to blood borne diseases i.e. if the tools used for carving the tattoos contains smears of infected blood, then the individual is on a high risk of developing chronic illnesses like... This essay approves that people are now adapting to the new trends and employers are learning to focus on more important things than the body art of contestants such as their expertise, additional skills, and ability to contribute to the mission of organization. This drastic change in the attitudes of people towards these once-judges practices is sometimes attributed to the globalization. The whole world has come together in a form of a global village and people from diverse backgrounds have come to know each other and learn from each other. In times like these, it is difficult to judge others in comparison to ‘self’ and not accept the diversity amongst different types of people. In addition, in such a compact atmosphere it is very likely to trade expertise, inspirations, beliefs, and practices. This report makes a conclusion that the media owes a big credit in this regard. Globalization has more or less just strengthened the bond amongst people from diverse backgrounds. It is the media and its undying influence that brought people together in the first place. The rapid progress in the world of information and technology and more importantly the internet boom is highly responsible in the conditioning of people to accept and regard other people and the differences between them. Those who were too stubborn before to give respect to individuals who had gotten themselves pierced in the tongue or forehead are now beginning to accept the differences and treat them like equals rather than being intimidated or disgusted, as before.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Providing a sustainable approach to coastal tourism development in Essay

Providing a sustainable approach to coastal tourism development in Turkey - Essay Example Research and policy making on tourism development, at least from now must ensure that there is no effect of such practices on the environment but all along, care must be taken to enhance the development of the tourism industry. This dissertation is an initiative in that direction that is aimed at providing all key role players in the Mediterranean tourism industry in particular with a clear cut strategy on how to evolve the process of sustainable development and aims to project the advantages of doing so in a descriptive manner. Thus, this dissertation emphasizes that sustainable development will ensure the development & uplift of all sections of the society & economy. In the dissertation, the first chapter would primarily focus on providing the user an insight into the concept of sustainability & describes as to how this concept can be put into use in the case of tourism. The second chapter describes the way in which the reader can apply the principles as outlined by the sustainable approach towards actual implementation in the form of description of policies for sustainable development. There is also a need for the reader to understand the current situation that exists in the region under discussion. Therefore, the third chapter describes about tourism in the Mediterranean, how it grew in the region & what has been is impact on the local economy & environment. The fourth chapter extends this discussion further by allowing for the specification of the merits & demerits of the growth of tourism in the Mediterranean region in its current form. Once the description of the existing problems has been mad, the usual approach is to describe about the alternatives & remedies that must be used in order to correct the existing problems with regards to the effect of the current trends in tourism on the Mediterranean ecology. This is taken care of by the next chapter and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Roles and Responsibilities of a Teacher in the Life Long Learning Sector Essay Example for Free

Roles and Responsibilities of a Teacher in the Life Long Learning Sector Essay Role of a teacher in the lifelong learning sector This case study investigates the role and responsibilities of a teacher in the lifelong learning sector. I am a piano and guitar tutor on a one to one basis, so I have my own views and methods on teaching. However, I thought it would be interesting to study how a teacher deals with a whole class, as opposed to just one pupil. Further to the research for the study, an interview was conducted with Joe Bloggs, a teacher in School X. The interview examined a number of areas including: roles and responsibilities, boundaries, promoting equality and diversity, safe and supportive learning environments, promoting appropriate behaviour, legal and moral responsibilities, the challenges and rewards of the role and how Joe has had to adapt and respond to the ongoing changes in the lifelong learning sector. The first question covered what Joe considered to be his main responsibility as a teacher; to engage and motivate young people in the subject of music and learning in general. He uses a variety of methods to accomplish this. For example, practical sessions/role play and getting everyone involved, as well as written assessments, presentations and various visual tasks to ensure all different types of learners are accounted for. This is effective when teaching music history /theory, however, when a student is learning to play an instrument, all these areas are covered naturally. Joe allows his pupils to make mistakes, for example, if a pupil is playing a piece of music and they hit a wrong note, he will wait to see if they can identify that they were out of tune first. This is another way of working on their aural skills. If they do not pick up on it he ensures the mistakes are addressed and provides help and advice to rectify the problem. Conjointly, we addressed the topic of promoting equality and diversity. Joe feels strongly about this and his approach is through film/music stimulation, with focus on a particular character or topic. Two popular examples of this are Forest Gump, where the main character has a disability and the film ‘The Island’ which deals with race issues. Using this method has proven effective, as Joe has found through reflective discussions with the class after watching the film. One of the challenges that Joe has had to face during his time in the teaching profession is behaviour problems with the pupils. This covered a whole spectrum of issues such as disruptions, bad attitude, pupils refusing to complete tasks and even verbal abuse and physical threats. The methods in which Joe deals with this brings me onto the field of boundaries between the teacher and pupil. Along with legal boundaries, and following rules and regulations according to the Code of Conduct and Data Protection Act – physical boundaries are extremely important. When teaching/dealing with a pupil, he says distance must be kept, however, he feels that in most cases, experience will enable friendly and approachable relationships. If a matter was to arise that was out of his hands, it would be his duty to report it to the school safeguarding officer/counsellor. Another way in which he deals with this is to set a good example to the pupils, as ensuring appropriate behaviour is a major factor in maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment. Joe adopts a friendly and positive attitude towards his pupils, ensuring that he never raises his voice, yet be firm and serious where necessary. The aim of this is so that the pupils’ perception of their teacher is approachable, but at the same time they see their teacher as a figure of authority. Although this has proved quite demanding, the biggest challenge Joe has had to face is the ever-changing development in technology. He tried to continue his teaching without it but this became increasingly difficult due to changes in assessment criteria and the demand of technology in general, particularly in music. Music has developed throughout the years, for example, we don’t need to compose music for ourselves these days. We can use music programs to do that for us, such as Garageband or Sibelius. Joe decided the only way to tackle this is to embrace it. This has helped a great deal with teaching and by doing this he has furthered his own education. The school that Joe teaches at has recently become an academy, so it is now more performing arts-orientated where as before, the school focused more on the academic side of things. This has forced him to take on a bigger work load and thus proved his capability to adapt and respond to changes quickly. Joe’s response to a lot of the questions portrays how education in music and generally has evolved with respect to time and the steps he has had to take in order to meet the requirements of his role and adapt to the ongoing changes. When faced with the question regarding ethical responsibilities, he had some interesting techniques on how he engaged this topic with his pupils. Practice is an essential for learning an instrument, Joe motivates and encourages his pupils that regular practice is the key to progression. He evaluates progress with tests covering all different types of learning such as aural, sight reading, written, and through practical tests. Both Joe and I have found that through music, it is easy to distinguish the strengths and weaknesses of our pupils and how they best learn. For example, one person may be able to listen to a piece of music and play by ear, whereas the next pupil will not be able to do that, but will excel in reading the music. Joe understands it is important to acknowledge the strengths and weaknesses of each individual and sees that each pupil is facilitated for in order to help them achieve their full potential. Joe mentioned various internal and external points of referral, for example, the awarding bodies, and the Academy’s safeguarding officers/counsellors. It is evident that he has a strong passion for music as he gave up his career as a pilot in order to pursue his music career. In defiance of the challenges Joe has been faced with, his subtle, yet dynamic and enthusiastic approach helped him to overcome them. I found during my time with Joe, that although there are many generic rules, responsibilities and boundaries that all teachers/tutors have to adhere to, there are also those that are specific and subject to the area of study. It is imperative that these are recognised in order to achieve a finer understanding of the role of the teacher.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Micronutrients Plays Significant Role In Plant Growth Biology Essay

Micronutrients Plays Significant Role In Plant Growth Biology Essay Chilli Capsicum annuum L. an important vegetable crop, widely cultivated in Pakistan. Chillies are native to South and Central America. In Pakistan, Kunri is the home of red chillies. It contributes about 85% of red chillies produced in Pakistan and is known as one of the largest production centers for red chillies in Asia (SBI, 2010). It is a perennial small shrub belongs to the family Solanaceae. It is an important agricultural crop, not only because of its economic importance, but also due to nutritional and medicinal value of its fruits. Chillies are an excellent source of vitamins A and C and it also contains Ca, P and Fe (Horticulture, 1994). Chilli is generally adapted to tropical climate and major chilli growing countries are India, China, Indonesia, Korea, Pakistan, Turkey and Sri Lanka. Chillies are used in salads, chutneys, sauces, pickles and form a key ingredient of diet in every home. It is also used in the preparation of natural colouring agents, cosmetics and pain bal ms (Savitha, 2008). It is realized that crop yield is badly affected by the deficiencies of micronutrients (Bose Tripathi, 1996). Plant nutrition has a great importance in enhancing quality and yield in chillies. If a plant is Zn deficient it can be controlled by direct application of Zn on plant leaves because Zn Salts are easily absorbed by the leaves. Zinc has a great effect on plant life processes, like uptake of nitrogen and protein quality, photosynthesis, chlorophyll synthesis (Potarzycki Grzebisz, 2009). Deficiency symptoms firstly appear on younger leaves than the older leaves. A typical symptom of Zn deficiency is the stunted growth of leaves. Zn is enzymes activator and is essential for the consumption of sugars and carbohydrates transformation (Kirkby Romheld, 2004). Plant requirement of micronutrients like Zn can be fulfilled through soil application but in Pakistan soil pH is too high that limits the micronutrients uptake to plant, so foliar application of micronutrients is preferred over soil application. Foliar application of micronutrients may give 6 to 20 times better results in Pakistan than soil application (Liew, 1988). Foliar application of fertilizers is being used in vegetable and fruit crops. Foliar fertilizers are well-known for immediate delivery of nutrients to the plant tissues and organs (Baloch, Chachar Tareen, 2008). As Foliar nutrition of micronutrients is a simple method and it does not require much infrastructure so it helps in increasing productivity, better fertilizer use efficiency and lessens environmental hazards. The research work will be done with the following objectives. To check the effect of foliar application of Zn on vegetative and reproductive growth of chillies. To standardize the best dose of Zn for foliar application to increase productivity of chillies. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Botanically, Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) belongs to the family Solanaceae. Chilli is an important crop not from economic point of view but also due to its nutritional as well as medicinal value. Growth and development is affected by the deficiency or lack of micronutrients. Due to immense importance of micronutrients in relation to plant growth and development a lot of researchers have worked on foliar application of micronutrients on fruit and vegetables. A brief analysis of reported work is given below. The chilli is supposed to be native to America where they have been cultivated for thousands of years. Mexico and Northern Central America is thought to be the centre of origin of Capsicum annuum L. and were first introduced to Indo-Pakistan sub-continent in the 17th century by Portuguese and Spanish explorers through trade routes from South America (Malik, 1994). Baloch, et al., (2008) conducted an experiment to check the effect of foliar application of macro and micronutrients on production of green chillies. They applied Higrow which is composed of Nitrophen (4 %), Nitrogen compound (12%), Iron (2%), Magnesium (2%), Manganese (2%), Boron (2%), Copper (4%), Molybdenum (2%), Potash (8%), P2O5 (12%) and Calcium (8%). They found that the foliar application of Higrow at 7 ml/L of water gave better growth and yield compared to other treatments. Datir, Apparao and Laware (2012) studied the effect of foliar application of organically chelated micronutrients on growth and yield in chilli (Capsicum annum L.). The results indicated that un-chelated micronutrient enhanced the growth and yield and plant characters to 10-15 %, while amino acid spray contributed to 15-20% increase. Whereas amino acid-chelated micronutrients increase the growth and yield contributing characters to 40-100% in chilli. Dongre, Mahorkar, Joshi and Deo (2000) studied the effect of foliar application of micronutrients (Zn, Fe and B) on yield and quantity of chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) in combination of 0.1%, 0.25% and 0.50% respectively. They found that the treatment (ZnS04 0.50%) showed maximum yield while treatment (FeS04 0.25%) produced maximum number of seeds/fruit. Singh and Singh (2012) investigated the response of foliar application of micronutrients on growth and yield of chilli (Capsicum annuum L.). The results indicated that plant characters like number of fruit per plant, plant height, fruit length, fruit yield, weight per fruit and weight of fruit per plant were higher by the foliar application of treatments 0.2 % iron and 0.3 % zinc as compared to other treatments and control. El-Bassiony, Fawzy, El-Samad and Riad (2010) investigated the effect of potassium fertilizes on growth, yield and fruit quality of sweet pepper plants (Capsicum annuum L.). They found that to get the better vegetative and reproductive growth, total fruit yield and chemical composition of sweet pepper could be obtained by foliar application of potassium humate (4 gm/L) or potassium oxide (4 ml/L) as a stimulative dose. Kaya and Higgs (2002) studied the response of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) cultivars to foliar application of Zn when grown in sand culture at low zinc. They found that the plants grown in low (0.15 ÃŽÂ ¼mol là ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢1) root zone zinc treatment had higher concentration of P and Fe furthermore plants receiving foliar applications of zinc at 3.5 mmol là ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢1 had higher P in both the leaves and fruit. Zn, Fe, P and K concentration increased with increase of zinc concentration in the nutrient solution and also as a foliar spray. At 7.70 ÃŽÂ ¼mol là ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢1 zinc in the nutrient solution Mg was lower in the roots of plants as compared to all other zinc treatments. They concluded that the negative effect of zinc deficiency can easily be controlled by the foliar application of Zn when it is applied at optimal range. Nasri, Khalatbari and Hossein (2011) conducted an experiment of foliar application of Zn on qualitative and quantitative features in bean (Phaseolous vulgaris) under different levels of N and K fertilizers. They found that the foliar application of Zn on bean had increased all the characteristics like carbohydrate percentage, carbohydrate yield, chlorophyll of leaves, radiation use efficiency, protein percentage and protein yield etc. and also reduced N fertilizer rate without reduction in plant characteristics. Abbasi, Baloch, Zia-ul-hassan, Wagan, Shah and Rajpar (2010) studied the growth and yield of okra under foliar application of some new multi nutrient fertilizer products. The results showed that the plant characters like number of branches per plant, plant height, number of fruits per plant, fruit length as well as crop yield of okra found to be maximum by application of all three foliar fertilizers with the recommended soil applied chemical fertilizers. Kiran, Vyakaranahal, Raikar, Ravikumar and Deshpande (2010) investigated seed yield and quality of brinjal as influenced by crop nutrition. The results indicated that the application of NPK 100:100:50 kg/ha + Azospirillum + Phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) each @ 125 g per ha (root dipping) + ZnSO4 (0.2%) spray gave maximum plant height (89.47 cm), number of leaves (87), number of fruits (20), fruit yield (27.06 t/ha), number of seeds per fruit (1852), number of branches (32), 1000 seed weight (7.90 g), percentage of germination (97), field emergence (91), seed yield (633 kg/ha) compared to other treatments and control. Kanujia, Ahmed, Chattoo, Nayeema, Naryan (2006) studied the effect of micronutrients on growth and yield of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.). The results indicated that plant height was maximum during both the seasons when foliar application of Zn was applied @ 100 ppm while maximum foliar application of mixture of all nutrients @ 100 ppm gave maximum plant spread, number of non-wrapper leaves, head weight, head yield and head diameter. Anees, Tahir, Shahzad and Mahmood (2011) conducted an experiment to check the effect of foliar application of micronutrients (Fe, B and Zn) on the quality of mango (Mangifera indica L.) cv. Dusehri plants. They found that compared to control all the micronutrients gave better results in term of fruit quality. Whereas trees sprayed with 0.4% FeSO4 + 0.8% H3BO3 + 0.8% ZnSO4 produced the maximum pulp weight (169.2 g), ascorbic acid (150.3 mg/100 ml), total soluble solids (27.9 Brix °), non-reducing sugars (8.83%), and less stone weight (28.13 g) along with low acidity (0.178%) compared to rest of treatments and control. Ghazvineh and Yousefi (2012) studied the effect of micronutrient application on yield and yield components of maize. The results showed that the foliar application of Zn, Fe and Mn with K fertilizer increased the quality and quantity of maize and lessened the high consumption of fertilizers. They also found that the best time of foliar application in maize is at stem elongation stage and cob elongation stage to get the higher yield and efficient use of micronutrients. PLAN OF WORK AND METHODOLOGY To check the effect of foliar application of Zn on growth and productivity of chilli crop through different vegetative and reproductive parameters, a research work will be conducted at University College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha, Sargodha. Variables in the Study 1. Dose of micronutrient T1 = Control; T2 = 0.2% Zn T3 = s0.4% Zn, T4 = 0.6% Zn, T5 = 0.8% Zn, T6 = 0.2% Zn (twice applied) T7 = 0.4% Zn (twice applied) T8 = 0.6% Zn (twice applied) T9 = 0.8% Zn (twice applied), T10 = 0.2% Zn (thrice applied) T11 = 0.4% Zn (thrice applied) T12 = 0.6% Zn (thrice applied) T13 = 0.8% Zn (thrice applied) (All other factors or variables will be kept constant.) Research Design and Layout The research work will be conducted according to randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 13 treatments and three replications. Hybrid seeds of chilli variety HP-84 will be sown in the month of Feburary. Firstly seeds will be sown in the pots and to prevent from frost injury and to get early germination pots will be covered with polythene. After two months when chilli plants will attain proper size they will be transplanted to the prepared raised beds with the following dimensions (PÃÆ'-P = 22.5 cm, RÃÆ'-R = 60 cm) and treatments will be applied according to research plan. Foliar application of Zn on chilli plants will be applied with the following doses (0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, and 0.8%). The application of Zn doses will be twice and thrice after every 21 days and vegetative and reproductive parameters will be studied. Place of Work and Facilities Available The field work will be conducted at Horticultural Research Area while lab work will be performed at Horticulture Lab., Department of Horticulture, University College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha, Sargodha. All the resources and services required for conducting the research are available at above mentioned place. Data Collection and Analysis Data about vegetative parameters like plant height, number of leaves, number of nodes, number of branches, fresh leaves weight, dry leaves weight, and data about reproductive parameters like number of flowers, number of fruits per plant, total fruit weight per plant, fruit length, fruit girth, fresh fruit weight, dry fruit weight per plant all will be taken. Plant height from zero nodes to tip will be measured in cm with the help of measuring tape. The data about number of nodes, number of leaves, number of branches, number of flowers per plant, number of fruits per plant will be taken by counting. Fruit length will be measured by measuring tape while fruit weight will be taken with the help of vernier caliper. Data about fresh leaves weight, dry leaves weight, fresh fruit weight, dry fruit weight per plant will be taken by weighing balance. For the analysis of collected data computer software will be used. The attained results will be explained through different statistical methods e.g. the means of data collected will be separated by Analysis of variance (ANOVA) technique. Significant difference between treatment means will be compared by the Least significant difference (LSD) test at P= 0.05% (Steel, Torrie Dickey 1996).

Friday, September 20, 2019

Liberalism in Early American Literature :: essays research papers

Liberalism is the foundation of America. This ideology is found in the country’s early fledgling literature and in the very document that made America free. Both the selected works of Phyllis Wheatley and Thomas Jefferson are actively working for the ideology of liberalism, which is a political ideology that is against any system that threatens the freedom of the individual and his natural rights and prevents the individual from becoming all the individual can be, specifically the importance of human individuality and the freedom of humanity from subservience to another group. The natural rights of man, in the words of John Locke, are â€Å"life, liberty and property.† These passages compliment each other because they are both in the support of the ideology of liberalism and support the freedom of all members of the human race. The big picture that is at stake is that the ideology of liberalism was the principle founding ideology in America and it was presence was felt in the social context via literature. The importance of human individuality and the freedom of humanity from subservience to another group was a crucial point in the ideology of liberalism. Therefore, when liberalism is found in literature, it carries the same determining factors. In a section of the Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson, Jefferson writes â€Å"He has incited treasonable insurrections in our fellow-subjects, with the allurements of forfeiture and confiscation of our property.† This language supports liberalism because Jefferson makes it clear that the â€Å"treasonable insurrections† were not caused by the people themselves but by King George III, i.e. an overbearing government and therefore it places the â€Å"fellow-subjects† in a subservient position. Another support of liberalism by this quote is the mentioning of the â€Å"confiscation of our property† which is, by way of John Locke, an infringement of natural rights and therefore an infringement of human indivi duality. Since Jefferson is condemning these infringements, he is then supporting the opposing view, which is liberalism. Jefferson also writes â€Å"He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating it’s most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This statement is actively working for the ideology of liberalism by stating the life’s most sacred rights are life and liberty, which goes back to the statement by John Locke. By using the term sacred, Jefferson has created a sense of religiousness in his argument.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Laughter :: essays research papers

A little old lady went into the Bank of Melbourne one day, carrying a bag of money. She insisted that she must speak with > the manager of the bank to open a savings account because, "It's a lot of money!" > After much hemming and hawing, the bank staff finally ushered her into the managers's office (the customer is always right!). The bank manager then asked her how much she would like to deposit. > She replied, "$165,000!" and dumped the cash out of her bag onto his desk. > The manager was of course curious as to how she came by all this cash, so he asked her, "Ma'am, I'm surprised you're carrying > so much cash around. Where did you get this money?" > The old lady replied, "I make bets." > The manager then asked, "Bets? What kind of bets?" > The old woman said, "Well, for example, I'll bet you $25,000 that your balls are square." > "Ha!" laughed the manager, "That's a stupid bet. You can never win that kind of bet!" > The old lady challenged, "So, would you like to take my bet?" > "Sure," said the manager, "I'll bet $25,000 that my balls are not square!" > The little old lady then said, "Okay, but since there is a lot of money involved, may I bring my lawyer with me tomorrow at 10am as a witness?" > "Sure!" replied the confident manager. > That night, the manager got very nervous about the bet and spent a long time in front of a mirror checking his balls,turning from side to side, again and again. He thoroughly checked them out until he was sure that there was absolutely no way his balls were square and that he would win the bet. > The next morning, at precisely 10am, the little old lady appeared with her lawyer at the manager's office. She introduced the lawyer to the manager and repeated the bet "$25,000 says the manager's balls are square!" The manager agreed with the bet > again and the old lady asked him to drop his pants so they could all see. The manager complied.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Society in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein and Thomas Mores Utopia :: comparison compare contrast essays

Society in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and Thomas More's Utopia A primary problem with the society we live in today, is the need to be better. The desire to have more, to be worth more, and through these inanimate objects to be happy is what drive us all. As children we struggled to fit in by having nicer clothes and more expensive shoes than the next kid. Although, in a different from this is a sentiment echoed in Sir Thomas More's "Utopia." By analyzing his work, I will shed some light on how this is very similar to a theme proposed in Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein." In Utopian society, we are shown that the way to fit in, to be cool is to be exactly the same as those around you. Those citizens who had aspirations of wealth and a better life, were treated the same as those who simply can not afford to 'fit in' in our society. They were the shunned, the public outcasts. These people had necessarily done anything wrong, they just were unhappy with their way of life and had glimpsed something better. This mirrors the daemon in Shelley's "Frankenstein." Although he was an extremely well educated person, who aspired for nothing more than love and happiness, they would never be his to have. The sole reason the monster was abhorred by all that knew of him was his appearance. This singular feature was the reason he was beaten by Felix, and nearly killed by the man whose daughter he had saved from river. His only curse was ugliness, but was this his fault? It was easy for the daemon to curse his creator, the man who had formed him the way he was; in many ways I feel sympathy towards him. The sentences for being different in Utopia might not be considered by some to be as severe, but in many ways they were. For many crimes in their society you could be punished to a life of slavery, but this is not unlike Shelley. The daemon, while not punished by a court system, was punished by something much worse: himself.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Cognitive Development of a 5 Year Old

Cognitive developmentChild: Luke Jackson Present/Observed (Oct. 24th, 2012)Observer: Bernique Pinder| Skill| Yes| Not Yet Able| Comments| Names a range of shapes| X| | Completed | Names a range of colours| X| | Completed | Sorts objects easily into alike groups| X| | Completed. Although some objects were classified with some assistance| Orders objects according to size| X| | Completed | Counts up to 20 objects, touching each one (rational counting)| X| | Completed | Retells events in sequence with detail| | X| Details are sketchy and only supplies information when prompted or questioned| Completes puzzles| X| | Completed with assistance|Listens to told story without props| X| | Answers questions when asked and is able to reason| Understands ordinal concepts of first, second, last etc. | X| | Was read the story of the hungry caterpillar and was able to give sequence of food the caterpillar ate in correct order. | Speech/language development | Skill| Completed| Not Yet Completed| Comme nts| Relays messages correctly| | X| During a game of â€Å"pass the message along’ he was unable to pass the correct message with repetition. | Can listen without interrupting| | X| No.Asks questions constantly| Asks about meaning of new words| X| | Relates to words he already knows| Uses adult like sentences| | | Language errors present| Can recite own name and personal details| X| | | Uses language in play activities| X| | | Recognises familiar symbols, simple words| X| | | Prints own first name| X| | | Rating Scale Rating Key 1= Poor or None. The indicator is seldom or never done by the child ( Not at all). 2=Attempted. 3= Moderately. It is not regular or frequent (sometimes) 4= Good. (most of the time) 5= Excellent.Does all the time or does the task well. Skill| Rating Scale| Can tell his physical address and home telephone number | 1 2 3 4 5| Identify or draw, name and describe many pictures. | 1 2 3 4 5| Identify and name many colours. | 1 2 3 4 5| Draw a person addin g much detail to the body. | 1 2 3 4 5| Count to at least 10-20| 1 2 3 4 5| Understand that events have a cause and effect reaction (e. g. if you drop a glass then it will break). 1 2 3 4 5| Make up rhyming words, mimic sounds or even create his own sounds. | 1 2 3 4 5| Speech is understandable to everyone. | 1 2 3 4 5| Uses simple reasoning| 1 2 3 4 5| Understands a whole object or concept| 1 2 3 4 5| Knows about things used every day in the home (money, food, appliances)| 1 2 3 4 5| Understands the concept of time| 1 2 3 4 5| Read simple books. | 1 2 3 4 5|Make up imaginative stories. | 1 2 3 4 5| Reads some words by sight, including own name. | 1 2 3 4 5| Knows alphabet and many letter sounds. | 1 2 3 4 5| Uses long complex sentences. | 1 2 3 4 5| Can recognize numbers regardless of arrangement in groups| 1 2 3 4 5| Tells stories about own experiences| 1 2 3 4 5| Piaget’s Theory: Concrete Operational Skills Experiment| Results| | Child A| Child B|Conservation of Numbers- I placed a row of small bubble gums in front of the child and asked him (both are male) to make another row the same as the first one. After asking the child to exist the room, I then spreaded out the row of gum and the child if there were still the same numbers of gums as there were before. (without counting them)| They were more gums than before. | There were more gums than before| Conservation of Length- Both children are shown two equal length straws aligned, then they are asked if they were the same length. After leaving the room one is moved to project beyond the other. Agreed that they are the same length firstly then on returning said that the protruding straw was longer stating â€Å"because I stretched it†| Agreed they were the same length at first then when he came back he said that â€Å"they were the same length because I moved it. †| Conservation of Liquid- Got two equal glasses and pour juice into each. Asked each child if It was equal. Then ask them to l eave the room and removed one of the glass and poured juice into a tall skinny glass and asked which had more? | Acknowledge that they were equal at first then suggested that the initial cup had more.When asked why? He was unable to say why just that the tall cup was smaller (implying the narrowness)| Acknowledged that they were equal at first then said that the taller cup had more juice. When asked why he stated that â€Å"the juice in the taller cup is higher than the other so that means it contains more†| Analysis of Data Developmental Checklist Based on observation and data collected from the child I observed, He is capable of completing tasks expected of a five year old. He is capable of understanding two or three simple commands given at once.He can sort objects by size, and by what sort of thing they are, e. g. animals, or by colour or shape. He successfully compared two weights to work out which is heavier. He was able to understand taller, smaller and shorter. He can copy his name. Draw a person with a head, body, legs and arms. Tell the difference between morning and afternoon. Luke is a great conversationalist and loves to talk about the details of all sorts of scientific and nature things. He speaks clearly on the whole, but still not using some sounds correctly, e. g. say ‘th’ for ‘s’ or ‘w’ for ‘r’.He asks ‘Why’, ‘When’, ‘How’ questions and ask what words mean. He is eager to tell long stories which to me are partly true and partly made up. He is interested in questions and argues and gives his own ideas about things. He knows a few nursery rhymes which he can say, repeat or sing. Similarly, to Luke’s physical development his cognitive develop is also maturing at what theorist would say is a normal rate. According to HDEV upon reaching the age of five a child should be rapidly expanding his vocabulary. It is evident that he is beginning to thi nk intuitively but still somewhat selfish.As mentioned before, currently, he is speaking in full sentences that vary in lengths and purposes. He enjoys watching television shows about super heroes and cars and planes and he spends large amounts of time, up to 15 minutes, telling me all about them. Luke’s cognitive development in the area of language has a lot to do with the fact he is inquisitive and seems to enjoy learning. According to Rathus Spencer and the developmental checklist of widely held expectations, a five year old should be able to count and should be drawn to letters and sounds.Luke demonstrates a love of reading and will often ask to go in the reading corner. Additionally, by playing games like Snakes and Ladders where he counted the required spaces indicating an understanding of numbers. After presenting him with a book with the cover ripped, he was excited to find the tape and he started to think of ways to fix the book. He suggested taping it, and was excit ed when that idea was welcomed and put to use. This not only demonstrated intuitive thought but helped Luke feel intelligent and begin to learn that it is perfectly okay and acceptable to ask for help when needed.Luke is developing cognitively a little more everyday and seems to be on his way to accomplishing all the key milestones. His language skills are growing each day and he is learning to try new things on his own with the idea that he can always ask for help. Rating Scale Analysis The rating of the scale The present five point scale extends from (1) where the child observed did not adhere to that aspect of the task or was unable to, to (5) where there is very high skill. Thus the scale assesses both adherence to the task and skill of the child.With the hardest tasks being speaking, listening and recall some sequence but his memory being very good otherwise. He is most skilled at recognition of numbers, and reasoning. Piaget’s Theory: Concrete Operational Skills Analysi s Results: Luke has failed at conservation methods across the board whereas child B has successfully achieved conservation of length but has also failed conservation of numbers and liquids. They cannot think of both dimensions at the same time and so trade off one over the other.They do not possess the ability to understand when the amount of something remains constant across two or more situations despite the appearance of that thing changing across those situations, as with the gum. Although the volume of liquid remains constant across the two containers, each container has a very different visual appearance, with one being tall and thin, while another was short and wide. Both children were unable to appreciate that the total amount of liquid was unchanged despite being poured into differently shaped containers.They were fooled by the appearance of the containers and tended to conclude that wider, shorter containers held less water and the taller, thinner containers held more than the wide. Also my subject was unable to realize that the straws were the same length subject B was able to see that the straw was moved but remained constant which is odd considering Piaget’s theory. Reflection As I reflect upon my experience, it is a valuable process in which all teachers should engage in order to improve their professional practice. Assumptions are made about kids and their abilities both for the teacher as well as the student.However, there is a lack of in-depth research on the learning processes of children. This analysis was very useful to illustrate and understand the process of how students learn as well as their abilities as they are experienced and I was able to note these and this can be used to support my upcoming professional development. Data was collected at three levels: reflection upon personal practice, pupils' learning and â€Å"official† professional development activities. Reading of the research literature was incorporated into th e observation process and this was very useful to my knowledge. At the beginning of the process, it was ifficult for me to engage with the child in a meaningful way; however, once the habit of observation became established, it was easy to interact with my subject. This interaction was life changing and it automatically leads to changes in my opinions and practices. Although it was neither easy nor straightforward, i found it engaging in the process of critical analysis and found it to be a valuable experience because it gave me a powerful sense of control over my professional learning and my professional life. Cognitive Development of Children Observation EDU 220 Bernique Pinder November 1st, 2012

Monday, September 16, 2019

Is it truly difficult for any author to be purely objective?

I think that it is truly difficult for any author to be purely objective because the very act of writing about something already indicates a choice of topic and consequently a choice of message to share to the readers. They write about what they write for a reason – and as writing goes it is to delight and enlighten. Delight when it is for entertainment, enlighten when it seeks to push the reader to look at what he previously did not see. In terms of forms, it is easier to grasp the author’s message in non-fiction as these tend to be straight-forward and usually indicates the message clearly.Fiction reflects reality and illustrates the message in a story, whereas poetry seeks to do the same with less words. Of all the forms, poetry asks the most skill because it uses the least number of words and yet seeks to deliver the same impact as other forms of writing. Personally I prefer poetry, because it uses so little words for more impact. It is compact but it speaks to the core, and has to be read several times for its meaning to sink in.Also, it lends itself to many layers of interpretation as compared to fiction and non-fiction, but its core message remains the same. Although a lot of people would say that poetry is not easy to understand, the demands of poetry on one’s attention is precisely what makes me prefer it because it asks for focus and time. In this sense, because poetry appears difficult, although of course I would say it is a labor of love to read poetry, the pay off is much greater as well, and because of the effort leaves a mark as I try to make sense of its message in my life.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

My Personal Philosophy of Education

My philosophy of education are the types that are known as progressivism and existentialism. I believe that for me a combination of the two is a perfect way to teach. Progressivism is ideal because the teacher gives the student a say in what they can do within the classroom. It is a hands on system of working. I believe that students can learn very well if they do activities themselves. Learning about how to do something and actually getting to do it are two extremely different things. Existentialism is also ideal because this method of teaching allows children to confront his or her freedom. Children need a sense of freedom in making decisions about school work. I believe that if progressivism and extentialism are combined children can carry out hands on tasks while at the same time making an independent understanding of a particular concept. If a child learns hands on how to do something they will find it quite meaningful, and will be able to relate it more to veryday life. School work can become meaningful if a child independently understands what is being taught. Then, children will look forward to leaning and will be more comfortable learning from their teacher. I am looking forward to becoming a teacher. As a teacher of elementary students I will always hold high expectations of my students. I hope to find that children love to learn and also look forward to learning. However, I do understand that some students are not willing to this. I will ind this a challenge for me which I ma capable of handling I hope to always have students involved in what is being taught. I will do this by having hands on activities as well as independent activities. I will use fun methods and ideas to get children involved in the lesson. If a child is having fun this will enable the student to get a better understanding of a particular lesson. All in all, I want my students to have an understanding of the lesson while at the same time having fun!

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Thesis: Technology, such as texting, while driving is unsafe and can be a hazard to teen drivers and others. In the Knox News opinion column, there was an article found titled â€Å"Twits texting, tweeting behind the wheel.† The author of this article, Ina Hughs, is arguing that texting, MP3 players, and other electronic devices are unsafe to use when behind the wheel. She is writing to inform teenagers and other drivers about the dangers of driving while texting. Even though Hughes makes some excellent points in her column, she may not be the most qualified person to be writing about the dangers of texting and how tempting it may be. Hughes indeed has a cell phone, but she had the texting enabled on her phone so she does not text with it. The only information that she gets that makes her qualified to write this article would be the fact that her eleven-year-old grandson just got a cell phone. Even with this information, it still does not qualify her since her grandson cannot drive. She did though get facts from reliable magazines and researchers to back her up. Hughs’ format of her article shows a lot about whom she is and her qualifications. Just about every paragraph she either has some sort of statistical evidence or an example of why texting and driving is bad. She does not have any real connection to the audience she is trying to address. The author uses logos a lot in this text to support her many claims as to driving while texting. One thing she mentions is, â€Å"according to the New York Times, one in five drivers admits to texting while driving on a somewhat regular basis, and they say they won’t stop because they are ‘literally addicted.’† This claim reinforces her purpose of texting while driving by giving statistical evidence of why it is so dangerous. So many people do it. â€Å"According to research, every time you get a text, tweet, instant message, or call, ‘your brain squirts out a little dopamine- the pleasure chemical- and left to our own devices, we spin out of control.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Tyrrells Crisp business human reource plan Case Study

Tyrrells Crisp business human reource plan - Case Study Example However the founder cannot tolerate anything like entering into another deal with the supermarkets having almost brought the business to a halt earlier and forced him to start producing potato crisps and selling them direct to the retailers. Apparently he still has fear for involvement with the large supermarket chains. But there are many businesses which are courting Tyrell's Crisp business and it has become hard for the owner to make a choice on which direction the business should take. However it seems entering into partnership will be one of the best strategies that will be suited to move the business forward. In this regard entering into a partnership will help the business to penetrate many countries in the market but only if it enters into partnership with a business that has international presence. This means that it has to scrutinize all suitors and find the one which has as strong market distribution channel and enter into legally binding agreement on how the distribution channel will be unlike in the past when the business has suffered also from undefined distribution chain. The current business strategy of Tyrell's is to market its product directly to the retailers. In order to achieve this it needs to have some measures that will help it achieve this direct marketing strategy. Let us look at how a human resource plan can help the business to achieve its overall goal. How can Human Resource Plan assist the business Human resource planning describes the way in which a company ensures that the staffs hired are the right for the job that they have been hired for. It also goes further to describe the way these companies manage their employees in order to ensure that the company gets maximum output from the employees and that they are retained in the business. It also covers the way the company ensure that they are trained in order to acquire skill and competency in their work to become the most important asset that the company holds. A human resource plan is a strategic guide and partner to any business that is willing to get the best from the workforce. It has been shown that competent employees are one of the important capital investments that can help a company to acquire a competitive edge which other companies may find difficult to replicate. But this only results when the employees are well managed and incentive put in place to motivate them to work. It also comes with carrying out training from time to time to help tie employees acquire new skills. (Aaker, 2002, p. 34) In the Tyrell's Crisp business strategy, a human resource plan will be very crucial since it will help the business to recruit the most important employees right from the star who are qualified fro the job. A well planned human resource plan will also help the company integrate the management of the employees into the overall business strategy which is important if the company has to succeed in its work. The plan will also assist the business in coming up with work schedule that fits its operation in the since that it will be able to control it workforce and hence payroll. The plan will help the company to come up with the best incentive package that will help the workforce to perform as required. The plan will help in preparing schedule for inducting the employees with new skills that

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Home Visit With Sallie Mae Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Home Visit With Sallie Mae - Essay Example Lack of enough oxygen is the main cause of a clouded mind hence the need for the administration of oxygen (Grand Canyon University, 2013). The visiting nurse approached Sallie well, made her feel appreciated and went ahead to assure her that her condition is manageable. To show her concern for what Sallie was going through, the nurse requested her to talk about her late husband. In the medical profession, sharing a patient’s personal problem is important in creating a patient-physician relationship. Like in Sallie’s case where loneliness is one of the stumbling blocks to her recovery, the talk gave her an opportunity to discuss her problems. Efferox was administered at bedtime to treat depression (Grand Canyon University, 2013). The strength of the prescribed drug is an indication that the Sallie was under too much psychological trauma probably because of her medical condition and loneliness To help alleviate the symptoms of congestive heart failure, Sallie was advised to take multivitamins and potassium supplements because she could not provide the body with sufficient quantity of vitamins because of poor appetite. Her poor appetite is also as a result of loneliness because she feels like she has nothing to live for. To relieve her chest pains and headache, she was advised to take ibuprofen and darvocet. Digoxin was administered to help her fight heart failure and rhythm problems. Zocar was prescribed to enhance weight loss and help in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases (National heart lung and blood institute, 2011). For hypertension, Lasix was prescribed to treat her blood pressure problem and help her system get things back on track. Minipress Was given to treat high blood pressure and enhance the relaxation of the muscles around the urethra. Vasotec was administered together with other drugs to help in lowering of sallies blood

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Nuclear Medicine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Nuclear Medicine - Essay Example In nuclear medicine, technique imaging procedure is used to diagnose or treat disease. The imaging procedure in this medicinal field is non – invasive and is comprised of painless medical tests. The imaging scans involved in nuclear medicine make use of radioactive material like radiotracers and radiopharmaceuticals. Depending on the nature of treatment the radioactive material is injected, inhaled or swallowed to produce energy called gamma rays in the particular organ of the body being diagnosed. These gamma rays are detected with the help of PET camera, gamma camera or probe. All these devices work in assistance with computer to analyze the amount of radiotracer absorbed by the body and delivers complete detail about the specific organ. Nuclear medicine also provides therapeutically procedures to treat cancer and other thyroid related problems. Here the radioactive iodine therapy is used where radioactive materials help in treating the diseases. Nuclear medicine images coul d be superimposed with the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computer tomography (CT).Generally nuclear medicine procedures are performed with the help of gamma camera with which pictures can be taken from various angles. The highlight of the nuclear medicine is that it helps the doctors in looking inside the human body which otherwise is opaque. Both the physiology and anatomy of the body is considered in nuclear medicine while treating or diagnosing a disease. Since human body is opaque, it is difficult to look into it and with the help of imaging device and computers they are able to diagnose and perform various treatments. The different nuclear imaging techniques are positron emission tomography (PET), Single photon emission computer tomography (SPECT), cardiovascular imaging and Bone scanning. These techniques make use of various radioactive materials to produce an image. These techniques help in detecting tumors, blood flow to blood vessels, disorders in blood cells, disfun ctioning of organs and pulmonary and thyroid disfunctioning. In nuclear medicine, a substance containing radionuclide or radioactive isotope is administered into the body. This emitted radioactive material is either used to diagnose a disease in the body or destroy diseased cells. It has taken more than fifty years for the nuclear medicine field to reach a breakthrough point where it could be helpful for human kind. Previously, the role of nuclear medicine was limited only to diagnosis and now it has changed o treatment of various diseases. The first demonstration of nuclear imaging technique was performed in 1946 on thyroid tumors. Nuclear medicine imaging is a functional imaging tool and helps in checking the proper functioning of bodily organs. Apart from this nuclear medicine is the only technique which helped in proving the brain death case.MRI scans, X-rays or ultra-sound cannot make the difference between dead and live tissues and hence cannot detect occurrence of brain death . So it can be understood that the nuclear medicine technology is so powerful that it can monitor the most important organ like brain. Nuclear medicine specialist use painless, safe and cost efficient techniques to perform body imaging and treat various diseases. Nuclear medicine imaging is different, as it allows the physicians and doctors to understand the structure and function of the body of patients. Nuclear medicine uses very minimal amount of radioactive material and hence it is not harmful to people. The amount of radiation received usually in nuclear imaging is equal to diagnostic x- ray and it is very safe for patients. In nuclear medicine the importance is given to the chemistry and function rather than structure. Radioactive tracers of fatty acids, glucose and amino acids helps in

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Media Event Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Media Event - Assignment Example Her main objective is to find them suitable jobs or protective environment after graduation. This is to prevent them from landing in the streets. The director of this movie, Samantha Buck, demonstrates sensitivity in a dramatic way to those students with special needs as the camera keys rove in on Mimo’s reactions. Ms. Mimo is the star and a protagonist with a bright face that does not hide anything as she focuses on the audience’s emotions. The camera lingers on the students who have grown with frustrating experiences longer than comfort. The â€Å"Best Kept Secret† film is exemplary in the sense that, it never seeks to hide any truth from the framework of the narrative. This section will explore two Special Education Laws websites, and two special education court previous cases. The first website is ( This website explores various cases from the U.S Supreme Court, Courts of Appeals, District Courts, and Noteworthy Cases. The first case mentioned in this website is the case of U.S Department of Justice Verses Day Care Centre in Oklahoma. The case was filed with the U.S Department of Justice. The statement of the case alleged that, the Camelot denied the person the right to participate in field trips, hence violating the Americans with Disabilities Act. The case was settled on the November 27th, 2013, the child in question, with Down Syndrome and toileting issues. The court ruled that, Camelot shall not discriminate any child on the grounds of disability. This includes full participation and enjoyment of goods, services, privileges, advantages and accommodation. The second website is the special education ( The case was heard by the Supreme Court. The case was between the Board of Education of Hendrick Hudson Central School

Poster Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Poster Design - Essay Example The internal format of the poster is a simple two-row and four-column symmetrical grid format. We observe the following: The font used, Comic Sans, is legible and not as conservative as Times or as bold as Helvetica or Gill. Comic Sans seemed to be more attractive to children when the poster was tested in a classroom situation. Memory retention studies tell us that readers are 78% more likely to recall information printed in colour as opposed to black and white (L Eiseman 2000). As can be seen from Illustration 2 the change of language for use in Irish schools does not detract from visual impact of the poster. The illustrations in the poster (checked for accuracy by Health Board Dental staff), support the text and add to the cheerful and friendly feel of the poster. Created as an A3, 300DPI, Litho print, this poster could be enlarged up to A2 with the DPI reduced on a large-scale digital printer. The image used for the poster, strengthens the advertised promotion. While not of the best quality, breaking it up to create a more interesting visual effect made it attract potential readers to the poster. This poster was also created for Litho printing. However, digital printers could also produce it. Nevertheless, be aware that not all digital printers can hold the flood of green contained in the poster. Test printed on an Epson 9000 with clean heads, the printout was acceptable at A1 size. Illustration-4 is an A1, ... The illustrations in the poster (checked for accuracy by Health Board Dental staff), support the text and add to the cheerful and friendly feel of the poster. Created as an A3, 300DPI, Litho print, this poster could be enlarged up to A2 with the DPI reduced on a large-scale digital printer. Moving on to Illustration-3, this is an A3, CMYK, portrait, promotional poster with a simple left aligned symmetry. The salient points of this poster are: The dominant colour - green helps to create a feeling of "freshness and renewal" (L Eiseman 2000). The use of some yellow creating an analogous colour combination with the over print of an ambulance photograph does not detract from the visual impact of the poster. Indeed the yellow Gill Sans text draws the readers eye towards the relevant information which is presented "clearly, simply and efficiently" (P Wildbur, M Burke 1998). The image used for the poster, strengthens the advertised promotion. While not of the best quality, breaking it up to create a more interesting visual effect made it attract potential readers to the poster. This poster was also created for Litho printing. However, digital printers could also produce it. Nevertheless, be aware that not all digital printers can hold the flood of green contained in the poster. Test printed on an Epson 9000 with clean heads, the printout was acceptable at A1 size. Illustration-4 is an A1, large-scale digital promotional and informational poster created for people who are recovering from a stroke. Here is a three-row two-column asymmetrical design. The highlights are: The poster creates a strong visual impact through the depiction of a cross roads (as represented by the text running across and up and down the poster). The use of white reinforces the message of

Monday, September 9, 2019

Ford Motors Business Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ford Motors Business Model - Essay Example The source of the revenues is realized from the operating expenses, selling of the general administrative zones and from the non-recurring costs. The fixed and variable costs for the company include the costs made from the goods for the company which entails an amount of $125,369 last year. Other fixed costs include the income tax expenses for the country that takes over $7200 a year. There are other extra expenses and items that also cost around $7155 year. All these costs are financed from the total revenues earned by the company. It also entails all the benefits the company gets from customers as bonuses. It is to the advantage of the company that the company is able to sell quite a good number of new brands. Other premium customers are also able to award the company for the good work done. In order to have success and progress for the company, there is a calculation of the total sales realized from the brand cars. The company is able to sell over 500 brands of Ford motors within a day. The company is also able to sell motor parts including the gas engines and motor craft. It is also interesting that the company has made a good progress in the selling of the brands since it is able to advertise the goods all over the world. This has made the net income for the company to increase $7155 the last year. The company is an industrial since it is able to meet its targets in the world of revolution. For the last two years, there is an improvement of the sales that have made the company to be under top five in the whole world.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Sir Richard Branson - Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Sir Richard Branson - - Case Study Example Also, we will look at other attributes that if incorporated in his life, would zeal his future adventures, like space tourism. Leadership Styles The identification of a leader is an always lagging factor. Leadership is being proven by the future orientation of the leader. Here first of all we are going to focus on transactional leadership, authentic leadership, and transformational leadership. Then we will focus on the relationship between the leader and the members, and at last we will conclude this section by throwing some light on the global leadership. Transactional leadership is focused on the self-interest of the followers and thus motivates the followers to a particular goal. Here the leader is empowered with the formal authority to mould the followers. These leaders control, organize and plan for the short term. To run a successful transactional leadership style, it is highly required that all the process are well defined, and the goals and obstacles of the organization is cl early understood. This is good for the businesses which are well established. In such a structured environment, it is possible to push the followers to some defined goals. Though not very impressive like a hero, the transactional leaders are the foundation of any organization. ... Transformational leaders are a few steps ahead of an authentic leader. The words that describe them are visionary, inspiring, daring, and ethical. They can understand the future trends. They understand the possibilities with such changes. They can make their followers understand their visions and take the necessary step to mould the organizations. Thus transformational leadership creates synergy. These kinds of leaders are found in every level of the organizations. Even in the start ups, they are clearly visible. Thinking out of the box is a central theme for these people. These leaders do not waste time in blame game; rather focus on the core issues. They are a real inspiration to their followers. These are the people who are called charismatic leaders (Huang and Hsu, 2011, p. 870). Now let’s focus on the leader and follower relationship. It is important to know the interdependency and reciprocity between these two layers. The relationship between the leader and the followers grows with increasing transactions. From simple stranger phase, it grows into acquaintance phase and then transforms into mature partnership. Though the dynamics of leadership is well researched, the dynamics of followers is less understood as there is no such in depth research. There is a bias that leaders are the only movers and shakers. In reality, followers’ dynamics has also an effect on leadership style (Kean, 2011, p. 35). A real leader clearly understands the dynamics of the followers. With the globalization in process, there are numerous organizations that have presence across the globe. In leading such a global organization, the